<aside> 👉 Complete guide + files: LlamaGen.Ai Brand Guidelines


If you intend to utilize LlamaGen.Ai branding to promote your community initiatives, events, or creations, it is kindly requested that you adhere to the following Brand Guidelines. By working together, we can establish a recognizable brand that reaches millions of people worldwide. We sincerely appreciate your assistance.

If you would like to use our brand elements in a way that is not covered by these Guidelines, please send a written request to us here.

General Rules

Please follow LlamaGen.Ai 's Guidelines when using our trademarks and brand elements. You must explicitly state that they belong to LlamaGen.Ai . Note that LlamaGen.Ai may modify or revoke permissions to use our trademarks at any time and at our sole discretion.

Permitted Use

Please only use LlamaGen.Ai's brand elements as specified in these Guidelines.

When referencing your products or services in relation to LlamaGen.Ai's offerings, you may use LlamaGen.Ai's trademarks and brand elements. For example, you can mention that your app works with, works for, uses, or was built with LlamaGen.Ai's product or service.

When creating communities and related social media accounts, you may use "LlamaGen.Ai" in the name to represent your affiliation, such as "LlamaGen.Ai Singapore Community." However, please do not imply any official business association or sponsorship by LlamaGen.Ai. For example, do not use names like "Official LlamaGen.Ai Sponsored Singapore Users." More information on LlamaGen.Ai Community groups can be found at

LlamaGen.Ai Community

Prohibited Use

Please do not:

Thank you for following these guidelines.

Attribution Language